Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I saw this questionaire on a friend's blog and since I can't download my recent pictures at work this will be my post instead because I am bored :)

What is his name? Pierson Drew Putnam

How long have you been together? since January 2008 I believe.. minus the three month break which we call Drew's brain fart haha

How long did you date? We dated for almost 2 years to the day (again minus the 3 month break)

How old is he? 24

Who eats more? I hope him!

Who said I love you first? He did.. I think.. neither of us really remember sad huh

Who's Taller? Drew.. even in my tall shoes which was a must

Who can sing better? Drew forsure but I still like to sing in the car with him

Who is smarter?depends on the subject.. street smarts and exercise I would have to say Drew.. Tv shows and nursing I think I would win haha

Who does the laundry? 95% of the time it's me unless I'm working and he needs clothes.. I hate folding socks though so they go in a box until he runs out and needs more

Who pays the bills? I do.. We split bills money wise but I pay his bills out of his checkbook for him

Who sleeps on the right side? I do

Who mows the lawn? Landlord

Who cooks dinner? Usually me but he can cook really good when he wants to... he usually makes our Sunday afternoon Mac n Cheese for us each week :)

Who drives? if he is in the car.. he is driving.. he hates when I drive and he scares me to death when he drives haha

Who is more stubborn?probably about equal so arguments will probably get interesting in the future

Who kissed who first? After dating for 3 months he kissed me.. it was upside down too.. He was sitting on the couch and I was on the love sac and I looked up and the whole thing was a blur... little weird

Who asked who out first? Well he was my server when I went to Iggys with my friends and I left my number on the ticket as a joke because we worked together.. then the next day he asked me out.. so kind of both I guess

Who proposed?He did of course

Who is more sensitive? Me by a long shot.. he is sensitive to my needs though which is perfect

Who has more siblings? him by 1

Who wears the pants? depends on the subject.. we are both pretty indecisive and like to decide things together


  1. This is cute! I love it. You guys are such a fun couple.

  2. this was so fun to read, Emily! I feel like I don't know a lot about you or how you and Drew met/dated, so I enjoyed this!
