Thursday, May 19, 2011

Catching up.. again

Because I am not in the mood to do homework I decided to start updating my blog since I haven't since March. One Sunday night we were having dinner with my family and my dad asked me to read a story to everyone. The story was touching but we were all a little confused why we read this random story. My dad went back into his room and brought out this beautiful framed picture and told us the story we just read was the story behind this picture. We have it hanging in our room already. Thanks dad!

My only easter decoration... we bought it after easter so Drew let me keep it

up until June haha.
Kauner's baseball game. He is the youngest on his team but forsure has a talent
for baseball. It will be fun to see how far his talent goes.

Already missing my brothers family and they've only been gone a
little over a week :(. Can't wait to visit PA!

Easter at my parents... decorating eggs.

Easter present from my parents. I love getting presents that remind us

what Easter or Christmas are really about.

Love these kids!

Easter egg hunt

Even though I had to bribe her to get a picture she's still adorable.

Love spending holidays together

My first haircut I gave Drew. It took forever but I think I did a pretty good job after Drew talked me through everything.