Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pearl Earrings!

Drew and I got married 4 months ago today! He surprised me with the pearl earrings I wanted! Time has flown I can't believe it's been that long! It has been so much fun decorating our own little home and always having a best friend to talk to. Although we don't see each other a lot I love the times when both of us have a day off. One of my favorite things to do is drive around and talk then he's stuck talking cause we're shut in a car together. We have so much fun together and are always laughing. Love you babe!


  1. happy 4 months! wow time really does fly by, i can't believe it's flown by so quickly! aww how sweet of Drew. What a sweet hubby.
    I'm thinking we need a girls night this week! I guess Drew can join if he wants to ;)

  2. Oh my, that is WAY cute! I think the cutest part is that he realized you two had been married for four months on that day! Most guys struggle to remember the annual anniversary every year. Haha. Good job, Drew! P.S. Post a picture of the pearl earrings!!
