Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Drew's surgery

This past Monday Drew had surgery and they basically Roto-Rootered his face. He had his tonsils taken out, his uvula trimmed, his soft palate reconstructed, his turbinates trimmed, his deviated septum fixed, and they broke his nose inorder to straighten it. We got to the hospital at 7:30 and didn't leave until after 3:30. He was nervous before but I think I was more nervous because I have seen lots of surgerys done before and didn't want anyone intibating or being rough on Drew. I was ok until I would picture it in my mind so it's a good thing Drew's mom was there so we could keep each others mind off of it. The surgery only took a little over an hour and then the surgeon came in to talk to us. He said everything went well and we would see Drew in 20 min.. well over an hour later we started getting worried. They finally brought Drew in and said he had a hard time waking up. As they were getting him settled he started vomiting blood and I lost it and started crying. Not until today did I ever understand when my mom would say she wished she could take the pain for me. I wanted so badly to take it from him so he could be comfortable. I hurt to see him so miserable.
They had given him Fentanyl already and we noticed this rash all across his chest so they said to add that to his list of allergies in the future. The rash went away quickly but he started to get cold so we put a warm blanket on him and the rash would come right back. He was in really bad pain so next they tried Dilaudid and gave him a couple doses and nothing happened.. they couldn't give him anything orally because he had nausea so it was basically a waiting game. Finally they gave him some liquid Lortab and that seemed to help a little. He woke up a little and I was rubbing his neck and the rash started all over where I touched. The doctor was called but wasn't concerned so we just waiting some more for pain control and him to wake up. Finally, at 3:30 ish we got him partially dressed and got to come home. When we got to our house he wanted to go to his mom's so we hurried and packed everything up and headed to his Mom's.
This picture is at his mom's the second day. We're so glad they let us crash here and are willing to help. The first night be barely slept cause he was in pain and was up to the bathroom about every hour. The second day was a little better.. he was still in quite a bit of pain but was able to sleep a little more and walk by himself. His throat hurts to talk so Danielle has been helping by translating his sign language so he doesn't have to talk. He didn't eat for the first day and a half but is starting to eat a little better now. Poor guy is just so miserable. The second night was better he only woke up 3 times. Jannali, Ryan, Landon, Madison, & Joni have all come to visit so it has better good for Drew to see somebody but the family all day haha. We tried to go to Smiths today to get more pain meds and he made it from the car to the pharmacy window and was hurting and had no energy so we resorted to the motor shopping cart. Still a little early for him to get out. We hope tomorrow to get the pain resolved and for it all to be down hill from here.


  1. aw poor guy! definitely sounds and looks painful. Hope he heals fast!! It was good to see you guys again before we left!

  2. oh poor Drew...and Em, you are a saint for being such a good wife and nurse! How's he doing now?--it's been a week? I am allergic to lots of medicines too, so I'm sorry that Drew had to find out the hard way. Hope he's on the mend!
